The cyclist’s winter training survival guide

Winter training used to consist of endless miles in the cold and rain. Even when riding indoors this meant staring at a garage wall for hours on end. With the advent of smart trainers, online platforms like Zwift and smarter training it needn’t be so arduous. The main thing is to have a plan and…

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How and why you should conduct an end-of-season review

What is it? An end of season review is a document that records your thoughts and feelings about how successful this season’s training and competition was. It is a very simple concept, but a powerful one. By writing down the things that did and didn’t go well, we can start to build an objective view…

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The importance of base training and how to get it right

What is it Base Training? Base training is a commonly used term for a block of training designed to build Aerobic Endurance, the bedrock of any endurance training plan. It is typically the first stage in a Periodised Training Plan, followed by a Pre-competition (or Build) Phase and finally, a Competition (or Race) Phase. A…

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The menstrual cycle: an athlete’s guide

Introduction Whilst women are biologically identical to men in many ways, there are some fundamental differences. As a male coach I know that to coach women effectively I need to be aware of those differences. This blog is a summary of my research into the menstrual cycle along with some practical recommendations for athletes. Unfortunately…

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Top 10 ways to improve your time trialling for FREE

Time trialling can be an expensive sport if you want all the latest, greatest equipment. So before you reach for your credit card here are a few tips which could make a huge difference to your race results without splashing the cash. 1. Clean Your Bike Significant losses occur from a dirty drivetrain. Therefore you…

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Pre-race planning for cyclo-cross success

Want to sit on the start line of a cyclo-cross race feeling relaxed and in control? Want to banish all those niggling doubts like: will I get a good start? Can I really make it up that steep banking? Will I survive the first lap? The secret to success in cyclo-cross is planning. Read-on to…

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What is RPE?

RPE stands for Rating of Perceived Exertion. It is a scale used to record the intensity of a workout based on how hard it felt. There are many different scales, usually ranging from 1 to 10, 10 being a maximal effort. In this post I’ll discuss the origins of RPE, compare it to the high-tech…

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What is overtraining and how to avoid it?

Overtraining Syndrome is a state of excessive, prolonged fatigue with a resulting loss of performance which has no other medical explanation. Although the exact causes are unknown, it is bought-on by excessive training and/or inadequate rest and recovery and affects mainly endurance athletes. In this article we will discuss the definition of overtraining, its effects…

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What is feel good factor and how it makes your training more effective

Evaluating training is a key component of effective training, however none of this data can answer one simple question: How did you feel? Coaches and self-coached athletes are constantly going through a cycle of Prescribe > Execute > Evaluate. As cyclists we are lucky in that we have a plethora of data available to us…

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